Friday, August 26, 2005

A-OK & Hate

The hurricane decided to take a southern route and, really, we missed the worst of it. So everything is OK here in the Dilly house.

We only lost power for 6 hours... just long enough to slightly cross over into the Not Fun Anymore territory. The power came back on about 30 minutes after I fell asleep in our pitch black bedroom (hot as a pizza oven) from a sort of heat and humidity induced coma. Hubby woke up when the power surged back on. While I was sleeping beside him (mouth open, probably drooling, on top of the covers and probably having bad dreams about my hair) he turned off our battery powered fan, turned on his lamp and started setting his alarm for work the next day. His clicking the buttons on the alarm woke me up and I groggily squawked "blech! mmmmbwhy'd you turn the fan offffft? bluggg?!" Not even noticing! There was a lamp on! Mmm-duh!

This morning I woke up at 10:15 a.m. in a complete funk. It's almost like the hurricane pummeled me last night and took all of my energy. I can barely function.

Must have more rice krispy treats. Crap! There's none left.

But (there's always a but), that's the worst that happened. Bad hair, heat, humidity, boredom, moments of scary wind noises, and no electricty. Some didn't fair as well as we did. The Miami area got pummeled pretty bad! Lots of people STILL don't have electricity. Seven people lost their lives. Hurricanes are serious things. Even category one hurricanes.


On another note... did you know that there are people out there who completely and utterly hate children? And hate people who have children? I'm astonished! I guess I'm not 100% astonished, because I've always known about the "crotchety old lady" (or man) who hates children and screams at them when they play in their lawn or draws chalk on their sidewalk. There's one in every neighborhood. Or two, if you're lucky.

But no, these aren't the typical crotchety variety. These are hateful, scary people. They call mothers who have children (or even people who want to have kids someday) "breeders" or "cows" or "Moo". I somewhat understand their personal choice to not have children and be "childfree" (not to be confused with childless... since they say this makes it seem as if they are missing something). However, I would ask them to please not be hateful and cruel to people, who, like them, have made a personal choice as well. I don't mind that they don't want kids. Great! I just don't think it's right to sit around and create communities for the sole purpose of ganging up on and scoffing at people who have children.

That's all I'm saying about that. I don't want to welcome any of their negative attention to myself. I'm just doin' the free speach thing. I don't think it's right to hate anyone of ANY religion, race, or lifestyle. Hate is never OK.

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