Monday, August 8, 2005

Hot or Not?

Driving to work the other day, I was stopped at a light and noticed from my peripheral vision that the guy in the car next to me was checking me out. Since I'm married and not at all interested in flirting with complete strangers, I can usually deal with this by ignoring it. However, since I had only half of my makeup on, I scooted my car up a bit to be out of his line of sight. But then he scooted forward and I glanced over quickly. He was smiling. Shyly, I scooted forward again. Then he scooted forward! Geez!Feeling awkward and not 100% comfortable with his attention, I was about to scoot forward again when I was saved by the green light.

Knowing I probably looked pretty average without most of my makeup on, I glanced in my mirror to check myself out... wondering what the stares were for. Maybe I looked exceptionally hot? Alas, I was stunned at my reflection. Not hot! Light tan dabs of glaringly un-blended cover-up were under my nose, on my forehead and under my eyes. I then knew what he was looking at and why he was smiling! I almost died of embarrassment. You see, I must have forgotten to blend it at the last stoplight. I have this really bad habit of applying half of my makeup (lotion, foundation, eyeliner) at home and then finishing the job (cover-up, powder, blush, mascara, eye-shadow, lipstick) in my car while stopped at stoplights and in the parking lot at work. My husband hates that I do this and he thinks it's dangerous (it's not like I do it WHILE I'm driving... I'm not that dumb). In my opinion, the only danger is looking like a complete idiot as I drive across town. Now, if I could just be disciplined and wake up 15 minutes earlier in the morning to finish my makeup!

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